News About His USA Visit  
  By A Staff Correspondent, Dhaka  
  Brojen Das, Pakistan’s renowned long-distance swimmer, is in the lime light, this time not on the English Channel, but in the United States where he is acting as an advisor to the U.S. Olympic swimming team which will enter the Olympic game in Tokyo this fall.  

Brojen arrived at the United States in June last as a guest under a US Government sponsored cultural exchange programme. Within a span of less than a month Brojen caught the imagination of the sports fans of America. More so when he was invited to attend the training of the prospective swimmers of America for the forthcoming Tokyo Olympic. He has already won the hearts of the swimmers at different training centers in different states. 

Brojen has already visited Atlantic City, Chicago, Lake Michigan, Oregon, Portland, Hillsboro, Washington State, Boise, Woyming, Old Faithful, Las-Vegas, Los-Angeles, Hollywood, Disneyland, Marin land, Phoenix, Grand Canyon, Dallas, Memphis, Batesville, Atlanta, Miami, Winter Haven, Cypress Gardens, Cape-Kennedy, Tampa, New York. At all these places Brojen has been treated with high esteem.

Brojen observed the weeklong training of the Olympic swimming team, which commenced in Florida on August 28. Deeply impressed over the performances of the young American swimmers Brojen in course of an interview with the staff writer of the Tampa Tribune predicted: ‘They will be hard to beat. I expect it to be a contest between your (US) swimmers and the Australian team.’

Tampa Tribunes’s Tribute

Brojen has made a good impression of himself to the Florida Press and sport fans. The Tampa Tribune of Florida called him ‘the personable Pakistani’, an ‘affable swimmer’.

Mr. Challes Hendric, staff writer for the Tampa Tribune of Florida writes on August 29: ‘The “king of the heavens” was a visitor near here this week. The king is Brojen Das, 33 years old long distance swimmer from Pakistan, a visiter at Cypress Gardens and a guest of this country under a Government sponsored cultural exchange programme.’


Das, who has swam the English Channel more times than any persons and did until recently hold the speed record for a single crossing, reluctantly disclosed the meaning of his name – ‘king of heavens.’

And no wonder Brojen Has not only made a name for himself in the United States as the most outstanding long distance swimmer of the world, but he seats deep in the minds of the American swimmers as ‘the king of the heavens’.

Brojen hopes to cross Channel again

Brojen has told the Tribune staff writer that he would be seen again on the channel next summer. ‘I hope’, said Brojen, ‘to get the title back next summer if all goes well’.

The Washington Post paid rich compliments to Brojen while he was visiting Washington in July last. The staff reporter of the Washington Post Mr. Doug Lamborne wrote on Brojen on July 26 ‘it seems that his (Brojen’s) name in India and Pakistan arouses the same enthusiasm as a Mantle or a Title in this country (USA)’.

In a letter to the News Editor of the Pakistan Observer, Brojen has highly appreciated the standard of swimming in the United States. ‘What has impressed me most’, writes Brojen, is that most of the swimmers at training pools for the forthcoming Tokyo Olympics are between 13 and 18 years. Every day one or two home (American) and even the world record are being shattered at the training pools. And I hope they would fare extremely well in the Tokyo Olympics’.

Brojen plans to watch the training of the young American swimmers for Tokyo Olympics in San Francisco and Los Angeles late this month. The male swimmers will undergo further training at San Francisco and the women at Los Angeles.

Before returning home sometime in October Brojen will visit among other places the Niagara Fall. He, however, may extend his visit in order to watch the Olympics on the American television.

Brojen is now busy with a crowded programme. Yet he has managed to be on the bosom of the lake, not diving deep into it or propelling like his own self on the English Channel. He is at present taking pointers from Cypress Gardens’ Aqamaid Queen, Brenda Read in the use of water skiis.

Tampa Tribune, August 29, 1964
  Top Pakistan Swimmer Gets Pointer on Skiing in Polk  
  Tribune Staff Writer  

Das, who has swam the English Channel more times than any other person and did until recently hold the speed record for a single crossing, reluctantly disclosed the meaning of his given name of Brojen. “Proud parents, you know” he quipped after explaining his name Literally meant “king of heavens.”

THE PERSONABLE PAKISTANI said he has been in this country since July and will return home in October most likely. He added, however, that he may extend his visit in order to watch the Olympic games on American television, which is technically superior to that at home, he said.

Das said he cornered the channel speed mark in 1961 and held it until recently when another swimmer bettered his time of 10 hours 35 minutes for the 22 miles crossing.

“I hope to get the title back next summer if all goes well, ” he said.

He almost made the Olympics himself once, back in 1956 but an injured arm suffered in an accident in his home town of Dacca, ruled out his entry.

SINCE THE ACCIDENT Das said he changed from a speed swimmer to a distance swimmer and had covered 60 miles in one endurance test in his native land.

The rotund swimmer, who weighs 164 pounds distributed over his five feet five inches of height, denied being stout and explained that the extra weight is really an asset in distance swimming. “I once lost 11 pounds on a channel swim” he added in support of his stand.

The affable swimmer said that from what he has seen of the U.S. Olympic swimming team, “They will be hard to beat. I expect it to be a contest between your (U. S.) swimmers and the Australian team,” he predicted.

A ‘QUEEN’ AND A ‘KING’ - Brojen Das, champion swimmer from Pakistan, gets pointers from Cypress Gardens Aquamaid ‘Queen’ Brenda Read in the use of water skis. This popular sport is virtually unknown in his country. (Photo by Charles Hendrick)